Something I've been thinking about for months but wasn't articulating very well (and without any knowledge much less understanding of this "middle eight" theory). Trump and the Republican Congress doesn't have four years to "get it right." They don't even have two years - until the mid-term elections - to get it right. If they don't "get it right" legislatively by June-September of this year (sooner for some actions), there won't be time for their efforts to bear fruit in a manner that will influence the subsequent elections (2026 as well as 2028) in their favor and they will de facto be losers (again) before the election seasons even start.

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(1) I've been wondering for years why teams winning the coin toss have been opting to kick rather than "seizing the initiative" by getting the ball first. Now I know.

(2) Noteworthy (in my internalization of this middle 8 concept) that I saw Ohio State do this - score touchdowns at the end of the first half and then within the first minute or so of the second half - against Notre dame just last night and go on to win by 11 points.

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